Standing Bear Council November Meeting

The Standing Bear Council will host its November membership meeting on Sunday, November 3, at 1:00 p.m. at the Hawkeye Restaurant, 105 N. Park Drive, Keokuk. Those wishing to eat are encouraged to come at noon. Standing Bear Council meetings are open to all people – Native and non-Native. Please bring one canned or dry good for storage.

The Council will coordinate upcoming events and celebrations of Native heritage, including the Quincy Holiday Arts and Crafts Show at the Oakley Lindsay Center November 8-10. As in past years, the Council will sell jewelry and Native items at the show.

November is Native American Heritage Month! Native American Heritage Day, a civil holiday, is Friday, November 29, this year. Standing Bear Council will observe this holiday with a feast of celebration on Saturday, November 30, at 11:00 a.m. at the Ivor Fowler Center, 710 Montrose, Iowa. The public is invited to join this celebration. If you would like to attend, please bring a covered dish to share and arrive by 11:30 a.m. so that meal preparation and set up can be completed by noon, when the meal will begin.

George Catlin, Kee-o-kúk, The Watchful Fox, Chief of the Tribe, on Horseback, 1835, oil on canvas, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Jr.

Standing Bear Council is presenting a program at the Quincy Public Library on Saturday, November 2; a review of the program will be given during the meeting. The Council will also coordinate the Winter Gathering, scheduled for January 25-26, 2020, at the Oakley Lindsay Center. Live birds of prey will be the featured program on Saturday, and at least one eagle will be featured during Sunday’s program.

The Council is a non-profit organization. For more information about the meeting and/or about Standing Bear Council’s educational programs, please call Larry Cooper at 319-795-6718, Dona Herr, at 319-520-5919, or Debbie Callaghan at 217-219-1188.